We Love North!
North Middle School is a unique school as we are a highly diverse learning environment. We believe that all students can learn at high levels. We believe in social emotional learning and have begun to incorporate social emotional learning in our homeroom classes. We have also created a peer mentoring program for students and led by students.
Our “highly” engaging teachers provide intervention and enrichment classes to meet the diverse needs of our students and to ensure they are ready and prepared for high school and beyond. Every student is exposed to the Career & Technical Education(CTE) classes in 8th grade to pursue the College, Career, and Life Ready initiative. We welcome community engagement partners and appreciate those who have already made an invaluable impact in our school and with our students.
Our teachers strive each day to provide high levels of instruction, that is rigorous, relevant, and engaging. We have many layers of supports for our students to include intervention/enrichment classes, academic counselors, a Student Success Facilitator, Family Book Club, Family Engagement Nights, PBIS Activities, Beyond the Bell, etc.
With your support, our expert, dedicated, and caring staff will work hard to keep our students safe, while supporting their academic and social-emotional growth. Together, let’s focus all our energy to make sure that it is evident that our students are growing adequately in a school community that constantly strives for excellence and equity.
I encourage you to periodically check our website or Facebook page, as we post all important updates and information. Finally, you can reach me any time by contacting the school at 394.4042 or via email at Robert.Hafer@k12.sd.us. Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to educating your child and building a collaborative relationship in your child’s educational experiences here at North Middle School!
– Rob Hafer, Principal